Wow. What a week it’s been. This will be a somewhat brief summary and sooooo much will he left out but anyway,  Starting Friday the 17th at 5am, I was woken up by my 17 yr old saying to hurry up pop pop needs help! I leapt out of bed and ran upstairs. He had tipped over his tray table and spilled milk all over the floor but he couldn’t see where it was and he was in too much pain to bend over and get down on the floor. PAIN?! WHAT?! WHERE!?! He proceeds to explain he has stomach pain still from like a week ago. (Which I thought went away) he’s constipated so I was figuring that’s what it was. Pain got worse as the day went on so I called his gastroenterologist. He explained that he needs to get tests done that he can’t do in the office so he should go to urgent care or the ER. He put if off and said he’d go the next day. Basically his condition kept deteriorating and he kept saying he’d go the next day all the way until Monday. Friday Saturday and Sunday when I would check his glucose it was over 300 almost 400.  Monday I checked it at 9am and it was in the 530s. I said no more putting it off today you’re going! He agreed, and Oliver said call the ambulance so he goes straight in with his number that high. He didn’t argue so I know he was ready to go. I got him and his stuff ready cuz we knew he’d be admitted he was too sick not to be. Well we tale the ambulance there and get inside then we are wheeled to the hallway where the nurses station is. YES!! They can’t ignore us even if they tried! We had an amazing nurse Angelica! She helped so much. Then we got a room towards the end. After being in the room less than an hour we have some news, dad has yet another kidney stone blocking the ureter and causing backflow into the kidney on the left side…..even though he had just had the same thing happen on the right side a few months prior and was on medicine to help it not happen again. This time the stone was double the size of the last one. This one was 12 mm.  Then the urologist/surgeon walks in and explains the are going to put a Stent in to help release the urine….they do all that in surgery as I wait, he gets done I go to the OR recovery room and I’m sitting with him. He keeps repeating himself that he needs to go pee the nurse and I keep explaining he has a catheter in and he can just go. Then it’s time to go to the room he’s been fully admitted. We get to the room and an hour later after all this stuff is done he has to go to the bathroom and not pee. He can’t use bed pans so he is given a commode. Which is like a walker with a bedpan. I have to stand with him as he defecates then I have to hold him up after he is done so the nurse can wipe him, then we have to get him back in bed.  Blah blah blah, Yada Yada Yada, we run into a problem. His numbers are dropping or rising depending on the test result but he’s getting into dangerous territory. His hemoglobin which was 9 when we got there was at 7 point something and if it dipped below 7.0 he’d need a blood transfusion. His eGFR was at 18.8. He ended up needing the transfusion when he dipped to 6.9 for his hemoglobin. They did all this stuff over the course of 5 days and finally got his levels back up a bit, hemoglobin was 9 and eGFR was 40. He was discharged Friday. And I’m back to round the clock care. 13 meds split up every day some 3x a day some 2x and other 1x there’s even an iron pill that is every other day.  I had to download an app to remind me when he takes what. I’ve sat down in 5 minutes spurts since he’s been home and know I will be eventually crashing and burning but in the mean time I’m pushing through it all to take care of him.

Ope, walmart+ grocery order is almost here gotta end here.

Until next time

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