I’ve read 3 books in 2 days. There are 2 more in this set and I can’t think of anything but finishing the 2 books.  Mommy comes in a week and I can’t get motivated to clean. Today, no matter what, I’m making the kids help me with some of the stuff that needs to […]

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How do you waste the most time every day? I don’t waste time per say, I usually enjoy what I’m doing in the moment. But I procrastinate with the best of them! I don’t always do what i should be doing, but I enjoy what i do do. Until next time

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Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? Salisbury steaks! Until next time

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It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and just gather my thoughts. I’ve been caretaker to my father in law since may 17. I’ve lived on the living room couch near him since.  Going to all his appointments, being with him in the hospital, caring for him at home, giving him […]

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BEAR!! So we’ve had a bear or a few bears, we aren’t sure, roaming around my town. Well, Half an hour ago, one was spotted in a neighbors backyard! About 6 streets away. Until next time

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